
Hunt Forest Products L.L.C. is ATFS Certified 

The American Tree Farm System® works to sustain forests, watershed and healthy wildlife habitats through the power of private stewardship by offering affordable forest certification for family forest landowners in the United States. For over 70 years, ATFS has enhanced the quality of America’s woodlands by giving forest owners the tools they need to keep forests healthy and productive. Third party certification through ATFS is one of these important tools.

Hunt Forest Products L.L.C. practices sustainable forestry. Eighty percent of our acreage is pine growing sites with stands of natural and or planted pines. The other twenty percent of the acreage is hardwood stands, water, and non‐productive, rightof‐ways, well sites, etc.

We manage our forests and lands in a manner that takes into account their unique qualities and to promote a diversity of wildlife habitat, forest types, and ecological or natural community by good forest management.

Hunt Forest Products, L.L.C. is a member of ATFS Independently managed group (ATFS-IMG-21)

Further information regarding ATFS Certification can be obtained from ATFS Certification

Hunt Forest Products, L.L.C. is a privately held company with over 75,000 acres of timberland owned and managed in the state of Louisiana. Our four Louisiana forestry offices are located in Ruston, Choudrant, Olla and Pollock. All of our locations offer complete forestry services including timber management for private landowners, timber marketing, harvesting and reforestation.

Company Land Management - Hunt Forest Products, L.L.C. is committed to sound forestry management. One of the most important aspects of our forest management program is to replace harvested trees. Forests are replenished by replanting or through the process of natural regeneration. Replanting is most effective with pine species while natural regeneration is used for hardwood species such as oak and ash.

Hunt Forest Products L.L.C. utilizes Louisiana’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s Best Management Practices (BMPs). BMPs are suggested forestry practices that minimize damage to lands and the environment during timber harvesting. One of the BMPs is the recognition of Stream-side Management Zones (SMZs). SMZs are lands next to streams and rivers that require special attention. To protect the banks and streams from the potential impact of harvesting activities, timber harvesting within SMZs is limited to selective harvesting and in some cases restricted. Another BMP is to follow guidelines for proper road construction. Proper road construction is necessary to prevent erosion and stream sedimentation. This includes the use of culverts, water bars and ditches to drain water away from roads.Management of our company owned tracts provides a habitat for wildlife such as deer, turkey, squirrels and quail. Most of our lands are leased to hunting clubs which enhance wildlife populations while providing recreation.

Timber Procurement and Logging - The timber procurement and logging departments are responsible for supplying the raw material needs of our manufacturing facilities. Although part of our raw material is harvested from company owned lands, most come from private landowners. In addition to managing harvest operations on company lands, our foresters also develop harvest plans for timber purchased from private landowners. These harvest plans include the implementation of BMPs. Free pine seedlings are provided to private land owners that choose to sell their timber to Hunt Forest Products, L.L.C. on a non bid timber sale.

Landowner Management Assistance Program (LMAP) – LMAP is designed to provide technical forestry assistance to private land owners in the management of their timberlands. We apply the same sound forestry management practices used on our company lands to all private lands in our program. Land owners in the program are provided the following services:

- A comprehensive forest management plan insuring the forest will reach its full potential. This management plan includes a computer generated map of each tract of land identifying individual timber stands and showing its unique characteristics.

- The arrangement for tree planting and other silvicultural contractors as needed.

- Free pine seedlings are provided following a total harvest operation.

- Property line maintenance.

Forestry Office Locations – If you are interested in additional information concerning Hunt Forest Products, L.L.C., our LMAP Program or if you need a market for your timber please contact one of our offices listed.